It is not a dream to achieve natural-looking thick and bushy eyebrows and long and curled eyelashes in the fashion of recent years. We have compiled for you the recommendations and care cures you will need for eyelash and eyebrow care…

Eyebrows and eyelashes may begin to wear out and fall out due to different reasons such as wrong selection and frequent use of cosmetic products, sleeping without removing make-up, wrong eyebrow removal and insufficient moisturizing of the skin. However, with the easy and effective care methods you will apply, you can feed the hair root and strengthen your eyebrows and eyelashes.

Before moving on to the care recommendations, let’s note that you should use quality make-up materials, moisturize your skin correctly and adequately, have your eyebrows removed as often as necessary, and clean your make-up before going to bed in order to achieve thick eyebrows and long eyelashes.

If you are ready, now we can move on to the care recommendations for eyelashes and eyebrows .


eyelashes and eyebrows

Strong eyebrows and eyelashes are directly related to your general health. You can strengthen your eyebrows and eyelashes by increasing daily protein, vitamin and mineral support. You can change your diet in this direction or you can apply for external vitamin and mineral supplements.

If you want to resort to natural methods, nutritious oils will more than meet your needs. The oils that you can use for eyelash and eyebrow care, which will ensure their rapid growth and strengthen the hair follicles, are as follows:


  • Olive oil is a natural product that provides excellent effects for eyelash and eyebrow care as well as being beneficial in many things . Put 1 tablespoon of olive oil in a container with a lid and rub it into your clean eyelashes and eyebrows every night before going to bed with your fingertips or a cotton swab. For this, we recommend using a pure and natural olive oil, the more pure the oil you use, the faster it will show its effect. You can safely use the award-winning Nova Vera Extra Virgin Olive Oil  both in your meals and in your skin care.


  • The functionality of coconut oil is endless. It is indispensable for hair, skin, eyelash and eyebrow  care as well as added to foods and coffees. Apply the coconut oil that you have heated with your hands on your eyebrows and eyelashes. Leave it on your lashes for 20-25 minutes, then rinse. On your eyebrows, you can keep it all night. You can use The LifeCo Cold-Pressed Organic Coconut oil  in your cakes and pastries, or you can consume it as a moisturizer, hair mask and massage oil.
  • Tea tree, which is one of the natural oils used especially in the treatment of skin problems and acne, helps to increase eyebrows and eyelashes by creating a moisturizing barrier. Let us remind you that tea tree oil (if any) has a toxic effect for cats and dogs in your home.


  • Known for its relaxing and calming effect, lavender oil is among the natural methods used to strengthen hair follicles and grow hair. It is also frequently used in eyelash and eyebrow care. When using lavender oil, it is very important to choose a pure and natural product. We have chosen Arifoğlu Lavender Oil for you  . You can also use this oil, which is obtained by steam distillation from lavender flowers, with a censer.
  • Jojoba oil, which is used in many cosmetics and skin care products , stands out with its moisturizing effect with regenerative properties. We can say that it is the most popular of the natural oils used for strengthening hair follicles and thickening eyelashes and eyebrows . You can apply it to your eyebrows and eyelashes with the help of a cotton swab.

Bonus: You can use your own oil mixture for eyelash and eyebrow care. The ingredients you need for this: 1 teaspoon of castor oil, 1 teaspoon of olive oil, 1 teaspoon of coconut oil, 1 teaspoon of vitamin E oil. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly in a sealable bowl. Before going to bed, apply to your eyebrows and eyelashes with your finger or ear stick. These oils will help strengthen and grow your eyebrows and eyelashes quickly.

In addition to nutritional recommendations, you can brush your eyebrows with a dry eyebrow brush. Even if you just brush without using any extra products, your blood circulation in that area will be accelerated. You won’t believe how thicker and stronger your eyelashes and eyebrows are.

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