The best gym machines to burn fat

Fat burning gym machines are within everyone’s reach. We can find them in any gym as they are essential and serve to activate our body’s circulation. But we can also buy these machines and place them in our home, so we have a little cardio at our fingertips.

The machines we are detailing consist of this type of exercise, cardio. These movements create harmony and activate the body’s circulation , an important fact that helps us to eliminate part of the fat we need. Why does this happen? Because they really help a great deal to burn calories, a function that should not be missing in every weekly training routine.



Gym machines that help burn fat

As a general rule, all machines help you to practice a sport and as a result, they burn calories and help you lose weight. But we have an essential list so that you know which one is most effective when it comes to exercising.


The best gym machines to burn fat



It is an efficient and very hard-to-use machine. It is ideal for aerobic exercise , improving joint movement and balance. With its elliptical movements we help exercise up to 80% of the muscles in our body and it has a cardiovascular effect and exercises the respiratory system.

The effectiveness of this machine is that it helps move the joints in a gentle way , but you have to oppose and work on the movement, since this is where the resistance that burns calories is created. To give you an idea, one hour on the elliptical is synonymous with burning 800 calories.



What parts of the body are worked? The quadriceps and buttocks, pectorals and shoulders are worked. Secondarily, the back, arms and abdominals are worked. It is a combination of skiing and cycling.

The stationary bike

The best gym machines to burn fat

It is one of the most commonly used machines in gyms and can even be used in a home . If you adapt to a daily exercise routine, it will offer very good results. It is recommended to use it for warming up before a workout, with pedaling for approximately 30 minutes.



It is a sport that is performed in a sitting position , but there is no problem, since you can burn between 500 and 1000 calories per hour. If you do this activity in a group and in a Spinning class , the result is spectacular, the caloric expenditure is really maximum and with better results.

It should be noted that the stationary bike is very easy to use and is recommended for people who are new to the sport or are not used to using machines. It helps you work the cardiovascular and respiratory systems , as well as strengthening the lower body. The secondary areas that are also worked are the abdominals and the back stabilizers.




The best gym machines to burn fat

This machine is another classic in the gym. If you need to keep in mind how to do cardio , the treadmill is the most effective, especially if you program it in “running” mode. You can walk, run or adjust it to the speed you want , always doing cardiovascular muscle exercise.

The treadmill offers a more effective cushioning system , since you don’t have to face any unexpected events and you avoid getting more injuries than usual. But it doesn’t allow you to work the gluteus as well, since the belt runs by itself and that area isn’t worked, however, when you do it outside, it does.

However, you are working practically the whole body, which helps to burn a significant amount of calories. You can burn between 300 and 400 calories an hour by walking . If you run, you can burn between 600 and 1200 calories an hour, depending on the unevenness of the ground. With the treadmill, you can use the incline of the ground, as it helps you maintain your balance more easily.

Hydraulic rowing machine

The best gym machines to burn fat

The hydraulic rower is one of the most used, as many trainers consider it one of the best machines for losing weight. It uses a lot of cardio and strength, burning up to 1000 calories per hour , exercising the arms, glutes and legs. It has an important pattern, as it activates 80% of muscle mass , activating the strength of the entire body.

To use the hydraulic rower correctly, we will sit at an angle of 145° with the body and lean slightly backwards. Then we will use the machine in 10-minute intervals , strengthening the dorsal muscles. The secondary muscles that are worked are the abdominals, triceps and pectorals.

Stepper or step machine

The best gym machines to burn fat

This machine reproduces the effect of climbing stairs. It undoubtedly effectively strengthens the buttocks and leg muscles. Its effect is guaranteed to help you lose weight; if you weigh approximately 70 kilos, you can burn up to 500 calories in an hour. If you need to strengthen your triceps, you can take a 1 kilo weight in each hand and do push-ups. In a very short time, you will notice its effects, improving the tone and volume of your buttocks and legs.