Cherry stalk, known as “Stipites Cerasarum” in Latin, is a species with proven therapeutic properties. It is also frequently used in phytotherapy, i.e. herbal treatment. It is prepared for consumption in the form of herbal medicine. With this method, the plant is purified from soil, dust, fungus, sand, insects and other contaminants. Generally, it is not subjected to any processing in wet or dry form in whole or in parts. In order to protect the product in a healthy way, attention is paid to storage conditions and hygiene.


It is recommended to be prepared as a “decoction” (boiling and brewing process) and consumed in the form of tea. It is rich in fatty acids. It contains plenty of vitamin C, as well as vitamin A, vitamin E and vitamin K. The plant, which contains sufficient amounts of potassium, magnesium, fiber and antioxidants, also has antioxidants that regulate biorhythm such as melatonin and serotonin. In recent studies, it has been observed that it increases insulin production thanks to the polyphenolic flavonoid compound anthocyanin it contains. As a result of clinical studies, its “diuretic (diuretic)” feature has been proven.

It is known that cherry stem is used for therapeutic purposes in some countries outside our country. The active ingredient of the compound known as “ricotto” in Italy is cherry stem. It is consumed as an aid in the treatment of many complaints such as colds, cough, other respiratory diseases, stomach complaints, abdominal pain, digestive problems, kidney diseases. In Spain, it is widely used in the treatment of urticaria (itchy skin disease), popularly known as hives. The most common country for cellulite treatment is Serbia. It is mostly recommended and used in our country because of its edema-stimulating feature. The plant, which also has an “anti-inflammatory” (anti-inflammatory) effect, has a wide range of use as an adjunctive therapy.


As with all herbal teas, the water used while preparing this tea must be free of chlorine and lime. The cherry stalk, which is recommended to be consumed in appropriate amounts at certain periods, is put into 1 glass of water and boiled for about 5 minutes on low heat, making it a tea. After the tea is warmed, it is filtered and consumed. In cases where it should be consumed on an empty stomach and at night, it is recommended to be used according to the need and with expert recommendations.


Conscious consumption is the first thing to consider before starting to use any herbal tea as an auxiliary treatment. If it is going to be applied as an adjunctive treatment to a disease that has been diagnosed and drug treatment has been started, it should be started by consulting a doctor and getting expert knowledge. Attention should be paid to the amount to be applied and the duration of use.

Toxin Enemy

Thanks to the components in the cherry stem, it is very effective in removing toxins from the body. Tea, which is a complete toxin enemy, plays an important role in cleaning the blood by purifying the body from harmful substances.

Protects Cardiovascular Health

Elevated bad cholesterol, known as LDL, can lead to serious health problems. Cholesterol particles accumulating on the walls of the arteries form plaques and cause occlusion of the arteries. Cherry stalk tea , which is effective in lowering bad cholesterol, can be easily consumed as a treatment to help protect cardiovascular health. 

Cherry Stalk Tea Against Infections

Cherry sap, which is among the rare plants with anti-inflammatory properties, is frequently used in the treatment of urinary tract infections.

Effect on Kidney Stone and Sand Excretion

Cherry stalk tea is used to break up kidney stones and remove them from the bladder through the urinary tract and to prevent infections that may occur in this process.

Bowel Regulator

It has been traditionally consumed for many years, especially against constipation, in the treatment of irregularities in the excretory system, which is frequently experienced.

For Complaints During Menstrual Period

Many women complain of edema that accumulates in their bodies during their menstrual periods. Swelling due to edema in the hands, feet and abdomen is very uncomfortable. Thanks to its diuretic feature, cherry stalk tea is used for this purpose, which helps to get rid of edema.

Cherry Stalk Tea in the Treatment of Rheumatism

Cherry stalk tea is recommended by many experts as it helps to treat painful swellings in the joints due to inflammatory joint rheumatism .

For Prostate Related Complaints

Prostate is a disease that we hear frequently in men in advanced ages. Urinary incontinence, one of the benign prostate complaints, is caused by the inability to fully empty the urine in the bladder. In the discharge of this urine that cannot be discharged from the bladder, the treatment is supported by consuming cherry stalk tea with appropriate cures.

For Age-Related Joint Complaints

One of the complaints experienced in advanced ages is swelling, especially in the foot joints. Cherry stalk tea is very good for these complaints, where edema cannot be removed and causes swelling in the joints.

Long-Term Feeling of Fullness

Cherry stalk tea, which provides a long-term feeling of satiety after consumption, is also frequently used in diet programs.

Detox Effect

Thanks to its antioxidant properties, it is preferred by those who apply detox.

Natural Calming

Stress, which we can call the biggest disease of today’s world, is a situation that most of us experience. One of the most common complaints related to stress is sleep disorders. Cherry stalk tea, which is a natural tranquilizer, improves sleep quality before going to bed.

Effect on the Immune System

The weakening of the immune system makes it easier to catch many diseases. In cases where the immune system needs to be strengthened, it is recommended to use cherry stem tea.

Importance in Skin Health

After the cherry stem tea is prepared with the appropriate method, it is applied to the clean skin. It is washed after 10 minutes of waiting time. It is also a frequently used method in the treatment of cellulite.

Effect on Blood Sugar

The rise in blood sugar due to the imbalance in insulin production is the most obvious symptom of diabetes. In recent studies, it is observed that cherry stem increases insulin production thanks to the active ingredients in its content. Thanks to the increased insulin, cherry stalk tea, which provides a balance in the sugar level in the blood, has an effective role in the treatment of diabetes. It also helps to control appetite and prevents unhealthy and over-nutrition.

Pain Relief and Muscle Relaxation Effect

Cherry stalk tea also has analgesic and muscle relaxant properties. It is consumed especially for pain relief in pain caused by contractions during menstruation and in rheumatic diseases.

Gout Treatment

Gout is an inflammatory joint disease. It occurs when uric acid rising in the blood condenses in the joint and precipitates in crystalline form. Severe pain and redness begin in and around the big toe joint. It is recommended as an adjunctive treatment to reduce the symptoms of the disease.

Strengthens Joint-Tendon-Ties

Thanks to the flavonoids in its content, it is among the benefits known to strengthen weakened joints, ligaments and tendons.

Liver Friendly

One of the most important tasks of the liver is to absorb the toxic nutrients that enter the body and ensure their excretion from the body. Cherry stalk, which has a very important effect on the removal of toxins from the body, provides a significant benefit to the liver when consumed as tea. 

Cherry stalk tea , whose benefits have been proven by clinical studies , is traditionally used for many diseases for therapeutic purposes. It is very important to pay attention to the warnings made by experts for a correct consumption. Every useful thing that is consumed excessively and unconsciously can have negative effects. Recommendations and warnings of reliable experts who do research on herbs are very important for all herbal treatments. It is necessary to act consciously in all matters related to our health, to follow the suggested instructions and to listen to the recommendations of the experts. In diseases that have been diagnosed and drug treatment has been started, treatment and drug administration should not be stopped without consulting a doctor, herbal teas should not be started as an adjunctive treatment, and we should pay attention to the reliability of the product when purchasing the product we will consume.

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