The rainy season has begun, autumn is here. One of the essential accessories to protect you from the rain (or snow): the umbrella. But, how to choose this accessory that will accompany us throughout the fall? Use these four basic criteria to find THE umbrella you need!

The different types of umbrellas

clear umbrella

To carry out your investigation and find the best, it is necessary to have in mind the different types that exist on the market.

First of all, the one that brings a particular style to your outfit and which is the most traditional: the cane umbrella . It is an imposing model that has a long handle. It is also called straight umbrella. As mentioned, it is a model that brings elegance to your outfit and is often quite robust.

Then there is another model: the retractable umbrella . It is called folding, because it is a model that allows the handle to retract, and therefore to be taken everywhere with you. Some models have a so-called automatic opening, thanks to a button. While others unfold and fold manually. Most of the time, these are certainly the most practical models, but also the most fragile. 

So, if you use your accessory regularly, almost every day and in addition, you live in a windy region, choose a rod model which will be more durable.

Your use will also depend on its practicality. Certainly you don’t want to be bothered with a long handle and prefer the umbrella that slips easily into your bag. In this case, a foldable model will be more appropriate.

The making of your umbrella

chic black umbrella

As with many elements of our daily lives today, the issue of manufacturing is paramount.

Indeed, you can choose to opt for a rain accessory designed and manufactured in France. Of course, when buying it, it will probably be a little more expensive. But, it will be an accessory that will last over time and of which you will be sure of the ethics of production. The employees who will have designed your French umbrella will have benefited from better working conditions and the materials chosen will be of better quality: tempered steel ribs, noble wood handle, impeccable finishes, flamboyant prints, etc.

The technical criteria of your rain accessory

retractable black umbrella

When you choose it, it is important to pay attention to the technical elements of it. First of all, the choice of the handle of your umbrella is essential. If you want to invest in a sturdy umbrella, choose the wooden handle, compared to a metal one.

The choice of canvas is also crucial, as it is synonymous with durability . Indeed, a nylon or polyester fabric is perfect for waterproofing. However, it would seem that polyester is to be preferred and guarantees a certain solidity. Indeed, it is often this material that is used for high quality umbrellas.

Finally, the ribs are an essential element in the design of your rain accessory . The ribs are the rods that connect the handle of your umbrella to the canvas. They make it possible to form the umbrella. The whales are very important, because it is largely they who will prove a certain solidity in this one. Sure enough, the first thing that breaks in an umbrella are the ribs.

Owning an accessory with resistant ribs will certainly extend its lifespan. The strongest are made of materials such as carbon or even fiberglass or tempered steel. These are flexible materials that are perfectly resistant to wind and other bad weather. Know that the more your umbrella will be made up of ribs, the more resistant it will be. This is an important criterion to consider when making your choice.

The diameter is also an important criterion, the umbrellas can have a maximum coverage of 130 cm as are the so-called ‘shepherd’ umbrellas.

The unfailing style

large diameter female yellow umbrella

Then, you understood, it is certainly a practical element of your daily life in case of heavy rain, but it is also a fashion accessory . The choice of the color of your umbrella is essential to bring a plus to your outfit.

Indeed, you can turn to a simple and basic accessory by choosing the color black. The choice of this color will be perfect to blend perfectly with any outfit. It is often this color that is favored when a person buys a new one.

For more originality, you can favor the choice of a colored or printed umbrella . This one will bring a lot of pep to your outfits. Pink, red, green or even blue will be perfect to brighten up the gloomy weather. It’s up to you to choose the color that best suits your style!

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